Category:Concept Shoots

Costumed photoshoots with models, sets, props, and backdrops. Covering a multitude of themes we have a fabulous day with our models
our crew
16 April 2021

Walpurgis – Myth and Magic

The History Walpurgis Night is April 30th each year, the night before the pagan festival of Beltane. In Germany, Medieval and Renaissance tradition held...

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29 March 2021

CosPlay – A Night In The City

Cosplay is a meld of the words “costume” and “play”. The participants of this sub-culture are called cosplayers. They wear costumes to emulate their...

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mad hatter tea party
12 March 2021

Alice and a Mad Hatters Tea Party

Alice in Wonderland is a much loved and immensely popular fairy tale by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, under the pseudonym of Lewis Carroll, and published...

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26 February 2021

5 Models and a Stunning Vintage Tram

Back in 2019, before the world went to hell in a handbasket, we held two 1920’s shoots around the theme of a speakeasy with...

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14 February 2021

Mermaids – Fabled Creatures of the Deep

Mermaids! The word conjures up visions of beautiful sea creatures. Since the Disney version, their image has been seriously sanitised as Hans Christian Anderson’s...

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The Mad Hatter Tea Party
27 February 2020

The Mad Hatter Tea Party

On a regular basis our VPC Photography group holds concept shoots in a studio setting. Following on from the Mermaids shoot in January, our...

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2 February 2020

Mermaids On The Seashore!

It is summer in Australia. Warm sunny days and blue, blue skies. All Aussies thoughts turn to beaches. White sand, blue foamy waves lapping...

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15 November 2019

The Night Circus Photoshoot

Following on from our Speakeasy shoots at Victorian Photographers Collective, I organised a Night Circus shoot for Halloween. The theme was a darker ‘Halloween’...

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16 August 2019

1920s Speakeasy Shoot

Our concept following on from our Addams Family shoot, where we had so much fun was the 1920s Speakeasy Shoot. Around ten of us...

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11 November 2017

Addams Family Shoot

Following on from earlier concept shoots I took part in, Deanne and I decided to run one of our own. But what theme?  We...

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© Bevlea Ross