Whip Cracking Wonders
I knew whip-cracking existed. I’ve seen movies. However, I never really thought about it. Or considered it still an art practised today, especially a competitive one. But due to a demonstration by three very talented young whip-cracking wonders I am now educated.

Whip Cracking Competitors
Led by Madi Buzza and assisted by sister Keira and close friend Cody, our group was treated to an hour of their whip cracking skills. The trio also travels around Australia, attending festivals and competitions or demoing and teaching. Madi’s hat was evidence of this. It’s a virtual ‘map’ of her travels as a contestant.

West Side Whipcrackers
Nineteen-year-old Madi has been whip cracking for five years. Younger sister Keira, at 15 yrs old, has been cracking for four years. Cody became the third member of their little group. The trio became firm friends after meeting at an event last year. Sixteen-year-old Cody has been cracking for 12 months. The three are members of West Side Whip Crackers, a branch of the Australian Whipcrackers and Plaiters Association.

Stop off at the Deniliquin Ute Muster if you are up Deniliquin way in September. The Whip Cracking Wonders will be competing there at the NSW Whipcracking titles. It’s well worth seeing!