Tesselaars Tulip Farm is a nursery in Silvan, Victoria, that grows bulbs, plants and perennials, selling both the plants to people around the country and cut flowers to florists. Tesselaars hosts a tulip festival each year in spring, showcasing the many blooms.

The first mania occurred way back in 1500’s in Turkey – which was the time of the Ottoman Empire and of Sultan Suleiman I (1494-1566). Tulips became highly cultivated blooms, developed for the pleasure of the Sultan and his entourage. During the Turkish reign of Ahmed III (1703-30) it is believed that the Tulip reigned supreme as a symbol of wealth and prestige and the period later became known as ‘Age of the Tulips’.
http://Tessekaars tulip historyhttp://Tessekaars tulip history

The Selfie Brigade
When I visited a couple of years ago, there were people everywhere wandering in among the tulips, up and down the aisles, sitting among them for selfies. Which made it hard to get a shot of them and led to the blooms being crushed and trampled.
It was great to see a low rope fence this year, which everyone respected the day I was there, preventing this. But, of course, it doesn’t affect the ability to photograph them at all. Being low and a single rope, it’s easy to hold the camera on the other side of the rope and shoot. But it does keep the pesky selfie brigade out.

Alice In Wonderland
We had made a last-minute decision the day before to head to Tessellaars when we found out they had an Alice in Wonderland theme that week, and the next day was the last. Unfortunately, the character I wanted to get (the mad hatter) wasn’t there that day. Very annoying. First world problem.

Also blooming were several varieties of daffodils, from the traditional bright yellow to big double blooms.

If you are into flowers, the festival is well worth a visit. You can buy tickets at the gate, but enter the code LOVE for 20% off your entry if purchasing online beforehand.
When and Where
357 Monbulk Rd, Silvan VIC 3795
Open 10am – 5pm from Sept 15 to Oct 14 2019
Adults $28pp, Concession $24pp Children 16 and under are free of charge. National carers card accepted.