Tag:the outlaws
Cosplay is a meld of the words “costume” and “play”. The participants of this sub-culture are called cosplayers. They wear costumes to emulate their chosen character. Players also adopt the mannerisms and persona of that character in their role play. Cosplay is very popular, with tens of thousands of players worldwide attending conventions, known as Comic-Con and meeting up in online groups and forums, where they share images, discuss conventions and buy and sell costumes.
Our Shoot
Last week, the admin team from Victorian Photographers Collective’s joined four cosplayers at Melbourne’s Docklands precinct for a photoshoot. Our cosplay characters were Batman, Nightwing, Orphan and Red Hood.

Easily one of the most recognisable of the fictional superheroes is Batman. Scarred by the murder of his parents when he was just a boy, he wages endless war on criminals of his city. Batman is Vengeance, the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader. He has assembled a team of fellow superheroes known as the Justice League and has a huge arsenal of weapons and technology at his disposal. By day he is wealthy playboy Bruce Wayne. By night he dons his cape and cowl and patrols the streets and rooftops of his city


Dick Grayson was taken in and adopted by Batman when his circus acrobat family were murdered. Bruce shared the secret of his alter ego with Dick, training the young boy to be his sidekick Robin. However, as Dick became older, he tired of playing second string to Batman. He struck out on his own as Nightwing while remaining within the Justice League, and true to what Batman taught him.

Red Hood

Adopted by Batman as a child and moulded to be the second Robin, Jason Todd was killed by the Joker. However, he was brought back to life via the Lazarus pit and the warping of time and reality. However, deeply traumatised by his violent death, he returned an unhinged vigilante killer bent on revenge. Jason and Batman fell out over their vastly different views on crime-fighting. This led Jason to part ways with Batman and take on the new identity of Red Hood. He then went on to form his own team known as the Outlaws. Over time the Red Hood learned to control his rage, and he and Batman entered into an uneasy alliance.


Cassandra Cain’s alter ego Orphan, was trained from birth by her assassin parents to be the ultimate killing machine. As she grew older, she escaped from her tyrannical father to Gotham city. Here, after proving herself to the Justice League, Batman took her under his wing. With Batman and she was taught to use her skills for good.