Focus on Spring Blooms: Practical Photography Tips
The season of spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. As nature finally awakens from its winter slumber, it presents a breathtaking canvas for photographers. Spring is the best time for capturing the vibrant colours and delicate blossoms. In this post, we will explore the art of Spring photography, sharing techniques, tips, and ideas to help you photograph the enchanting beauty of this season.
Seek out Blossoms:
Spring is often associated with the beautiful blooming flowers that add colours to the world. You can find these stunning blossoms in local gardens, parks, or even your own backyard. Capturing their beauty uniquely and captivatingly involves experimenting with different angles, compositions, and depths of the field. From cherry blossoms to tulips, these iconic symbols of spring are a sight to behold.

Play with Light
As the season changes to spring, you can enhance your photography with the subtle and gentle light it brings. Take advantage of the soft light during the morning and evening to create a warm and dreamy atmosphere in your images. Experiment with shooting against the sunlight to capture a magical backlit effect. Alternatively, use diffused light on cloudy days to highlight the colours and textures of the scenery. Additionally, incorporating sidelight can add depth, texture, and drama to flower photography, emphasising the beauty of the blooms.

Before taking photos, it is essential to consider the direction of the light source. Sidelight, which comes from the subject’s side, can cast shadows and create highlights. To effectively use sidelight in your composition, determine the angle from which the light hits the flowers. This type of lighting is also great for highlighting the textures and details of flowers, as it creates shadows that accentuate the contours, creases, and intricate patterns of petals and leaves.

To capture this effect, position yourself so that the light is coming from the left or right, creating a play of light and shadow that enhances the three-dimensional quality of the subject.
If you want to include bees on your flowers, early morning is also the best time, as they are less active when it’s cooler. You will need a shutter speed of around 1/500 sec early morning (1/1000 if later in the day and they have warmed up). A telephoto lens will also enable you to get the bees without getting too close.

Embrace Nature’s Palette
Spring is also a season that showcases a beautiful range of vibrant hues and pastel shades. Incorporating contrasting colours in your compositions is a great way to create visually striking images. For instance, pairing yellow daffodils against a blue sky or purple flowers against a green backdrop can create a harmonious contrast. Don’t be afraid to experiment with colour grading during post-processing to enhance the mood and bring out the essence of spring.

Capture the Essence of Growth
Spring is a time of transformation and rejuvenation. To truly capture the essence of this season, focus on photographing emerging leaves, sprouting buds, and newborn animals. Use the backdrop of fresh green foliage or leading lines to direct the viewer’s gaze towards signs of growth. Additionally, zoom in and capture the intricate details.

Macro Photography
During the spring season, there are countless little marvels to discover, such as dewdrops resting on petals or complex insect designs. By delving into the realm of macro photography, you can experience the miniature universes that exist within nature. With the help of a macro lens or extension tubes, you can capture the intricate details that often go unseen, uncovering the hidden world around us.

Get Creative
- Include a sun flare in your images by shooting into the sun at F16 or above.
- Get super close and concentrate on one subject.
- Get down low and shoot up.
- Carry a little squirt bottle of 50/50 water and glycerin to replicate dew drops.

Spring is a beautiful time to capture the beauty of nature through photography. Whether you are an experienced photographer or a beginner, the season’s vibrant colours, gentle light, and abundance of life provide endless opportunities to create captivating images. Venture outdoors, immerse yourself in the beauty of your surroundings and let your camera transport you to the enchanting world of spring.