Cactus Country – A Slice of Mexico
Cactus Country at Strathmerton is a Victorian Tourism Awards Gold Winner. It is an Australian desert landscape with more than 4000 cacti and succulents, and it abounds with photo opportunities when the cactus is flowering.
Cactus Country started as a collection of Cactus plants owned by Jim Hall’s Father. In 1979, when Jim’s father decided to sell, Jim and his fiancé Julie purchased the collection, tended the plants for the following four years, and propagated new seeds. They also planted mature specimens allowing the cactus to grow faster.

In 1983, Jim and Julie purchased the peach orchard that has become Cactus Country. They bulldozed the trees and began creating gardens. In 1984 they bought a second collection from the estate of Mr Ed Kroemer. Kroemer was a bachelor from Loxton, SA, who had travelled the world collecting cactus plants. Kroemer wanted his collection to stay together, and his family approached Jim and Julie. Since then, the gardens have grown from ½ an acre to over 8 acres.

With the growth, the name has been changed to Cactus Country, and Jim and Julie continue to expand the garden.
Cacti Vs Succulents
All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Cacti have needle-like spines and fleshy stems. They also store water and are capable of photosynthesis – the process whereby plants utilise sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar.

On the other hand, succulents store water and nutrients in their fleshy leaves. Outdoors, cacti can live for hundreds of years. However, indoors their lifespan is reduced to 10 years or more. As they don’t drop leaves like a typical plant, the damage remains visible for the life of the plant every time they sustain damage from knocks or scratches.

Cactus Blooms
All cacti flower, with some creating large and impressive blooms. Cacti only flower on new growth. Many cacti won’t flower until they reach maturity and grow at least two metres tall. In Mexican culture, cactus blooms signify love. They believe that when a person sees a blooming cactus, someone close to them will get married soon.

In Native American culture, it is believed that the cactus represents warmth, protection, and motherly love. This is because cactus plants survive in harsh conditions; thus, they’ve become a symbol of unconditional, enduring maternal love.
The Garden
Laid out with mostly circular paths, it is easy to cover the entire garden in an hour. Spring is the best time for photographers as the cactus is flowering.

The café
While the garden is worth a visit, unfortunately (and this is solely my opinion and experience), the same cannot be said for the café. The coffee and cactus cake (made from prickly pear) was delicious, but the margaritas (way too tart) and slushies (over-the-top sweet) were not. In fact, if you are looking for lunch, the only menu item is nachos. Another group near us ordered coffee and had it with the food they had brought along from home — they had evidently been there before and were aware of the limited options.

Cactus Country – Location and pricing
4986 Murray Valley Hwy, Strathmerton VIC 3641
Entry is $20 for adults, $17.50 for seniors and $10 per child
Open Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm
4986 Murray Valley Highway, Strathmerton 3641